Carrousel_Premi_EiC + Congres

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From October 14 to December 15

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From October 14 to December 15

The Grifols Foundation Chair of Bioethics-UVIC and the Chair of Palliative Care at the UVic-UCC/ICO organize the course on an introduction to bioethics for healthcare professionals.


The aim of the course is to provide participants with tools to identify and analyze ethical dilemmas in their professional practice, and to discuss clinical decision-making from a bioethical perspective. The course will begin with an introduction to the origin and basic concepts of bioethics, before moving on to address issues such as how ethics committees operate, the rights of the patient, the clinical relationship, quality of life in complex decisions, and the allocation of health resources.


Teaching staff:

  • Marius Morlans. Nephrologist. President of the Bioethics Committee of Catalonia.
  • Francisco Montero. Philosopher and nurse
  • Sergio Ramos. Philosopher. Professor of Bioethics at the University of Barcelona
  • Núria Terribas. Jurist. Director of the Víctor Grífols and Lucas Foundation and of the UVic-UCC Bioethics Chair
  • Xavier Gómez-Batiste. Professor at the UVic-UCC Faculty of Medicine. President of the UVic Palliative Care Chair


Online course 25 hours

From October 14 to December 15

Course given in Spanish


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Bioethics stories
Our collaborators tell us how they came into bioethics

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October 2, 18:00 h

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October 2, 18:00 h

Mental health disorders, ranging from mild to severe, have long been misunderstood and are often a source of social stigma. The fast-paced, stressful dynamics of modern society have exacerbated these conditions, leaving young people particularly vulnerable to mental health issues, with an alarming increase in adolescent suicides.


COVID-19 has also acted as a catalyst for this rise, triggering the onset of mental health disorders in many individuals, and the return to normalcy has failed to reverse these effects. Are we facing a new pandemic that will be far more challenging to address? We aim to explore these issues through the lens of the documentary 'Bailar la Locura' (Dancing Madness), and the insights of psychiatric experts.


The documentary is framed within a dance piece that portrays a journey into madness, exploring its boundaries and challenging the stigma which views madness as a deviation from the norm. In the film, three dancers interview women who have experienced psychiatric challenges in order to design a choreography that represents their journeys.


Following the documentary, there will be a debate featuring Marta Espar and Maiol Virgili, the film's co-directors, and Josep Ramos, a psychiatrist with an M.A. in Bioethics and extensive experience in the health management field.


Registration here


2 October at 6:30 p.m.
In-person activity
Office of Amics de la UNESCO de Barcelona
c/Mallorca, 207 Barcelona

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Horizontes de la bioética

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