On 12 and 13 March, in collaboration with the Americana Film Fest and the Catalonian Department of Education, we have organised two morning screenings of the film “The Thinking Game” for secondary school students.
This documentary tells the story of Demis Hassabis, the search for artificial intelligence, and its ethical use to improve the lives of people. When Demis was 8 years old, he was one of the best chess players in the world. When he competed, he would think about how, if all the participants combined their remarkable intelligence and worked together, they could accomplish extraordinary feats to enhance people's lives. With this in mind, he abandoned the world of competitive chess and decided to dedicate his life to the development of artificial intelligence that would improve the lives of others.
This is how DeepMind was born, a university initiative and personal project that was later acquired by Google. Among its many milestones, it has revolutionised our understanding of protein folding, provided free tools to scientists worldwide to advance medicine, and protect the environment. This breakthrough in understanding protein folding earned him the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2024.
This activity is 100% subsidised.
For students at the Baccalaureate and ESO 4 levels
Original version, Catalan subtitles
12 and 13 March at 10:00 am
Cines Girona
És possible viure amb sentit el trànsit final? Com afrontar un procés de malaltia avançada? Què significa morir en pau? La proximitat de la mort acostuma a arribar acompanyada de patiment, però a vegades, quan es disposa d’un temps de preparació per la persona i el seu entorn, ofereix l’oportunitat de completar de manera conscient la vida.
Aquesta xerrada en col·laboració amb Amics per a la UNESCO de Barcelona busca ampliar la nostra comprensió del morir aportant una visió psicològica i espiritual. Tenir present la mort, fins i tot quan estem sans, pot donar profunditat a la vida. Ens connecta amb el més essencial i pot suposar un camí d’interioritat.
Una conferència a càrrec de Cristina Llagostera, psicòloga especialista en Cures Pal·liatives, psicooncologia i Atenció al dol i les pèrdues.