
Asset Publisher

Asset Publisher

Asset Publisher

The Ethics and Science Awards are back

You can submit applications until November 30th

(English version will be available soon)

Ja està oberta la nova convocatòria dels premis Ètica i Ciència destinada a reconèixer projectes que fomentin el debat ètic en temes científics i socials als centres de primària, ESO, batxillerat, educació especial i formació professional.


Volem premiar projectes que incorporin l'ètica en la ciència, la recerca, el medi ambient, la salut i la societat. Els millors treballs poden guanyar premis de 5000, 2500 o 1000 euros.


Quin tipus de projectes es poden presentar?
Poden ser projectes d’aprenentatge i servei, o projectes transversals de centre que tractin temes tan diversos com l’envelliment, la vacunació, el rol de la ciència, la intel·ligència artificial, l’atenció a la gent gran, la biodiversitat, el medi ambient, els drets humans... Al nostre web podeu inspirar-vos amb els guanyadors d’edicions anteriors


Podeu presentar la vostra candidatura fins el 30 de novembre.
Informació i bases

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Bioethics and Rare diseases
Reflections on the ethical aspects of rare diseases from different perspectives

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Upcoming publications!

We are glad to announce some new titles, available starting this September.

On the heels of our 2nd International Bioethics Conference, we have published “Horizontes de la bioética” (Horizons in Bioethics) edited by Núria Terribas and Ester Busquets and published by Herder. Against the current backdrop marked by scientific and technological development, a solid foundation in bioethics is crucial, serving as a guiding light toward a future where the sciences and humanities converge. The publication features the contributions of various authors who reflect on the impact of biotechnologies, the challenges in bioethics education, the application of ethics during the pandemic, and the taboos surrounding death in contexts such as transhumanism and euthanasia.


Another title, this time in collaboration with the Minerva Collective, called “Qué políticas para qué cuidados. Ética del cuidado, justicia, retos y controversias en la acción” (Which politics for what type of care: the ethics of care, justice, challenges and controversial action) is also set to be released soon. This book provides resources from the latest seminar featuring Joan Tronto. At this event, attendees explored the question “What is good care?” in hopes of improving future care policies. The seminar examined the circumstances that hinder the provision of proper care, offering an ethically sensitive perspective that will help us understand care needs and ensure better policies for a more just society where people receive better care


In order to broaden the scope of our monograph, “Donación de plasma y altruismo: revisando conceptos”, published for the seminar on the ethics of plasma donation, it has been translated into English under the title “Plasma donation and altruism: reviewing concepts”. Amidst the ongoing review at the European level of regulations introducing “compensation” for donors, this issue examines the topic from the perspective of administrators, patients, donors, blood bank managers, and industry representatives.


All of these titles will soon be available in our collection of books.  Meanwhile, click here to consult our previously published titles.

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Q69 Inteligencia artificial, ética y salud pública

This publication examines the concerns and ethical issues arising from the use of artificial intelligence in public health.





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